Friday, June 20, 2008

frustrations...more frustrations...what a nite!

so..yest nite was like a total hectic night...talked on the phone for like what....2-3 hours?...

-first time ever so long on the phone...EVER....
-first fight as well i think..could feel all d frustrations around..such bad timing for things to go wrong...worst of had more problems all thrown at you at the same time! and all..
-first scolding from you...such a long lecture i had..more frustrations..
-first time hearing harsh words from your mouth..
-first for lots more annoying to not be emo?!?!...

are we like totally over the fight now?..i dont tell me...

you said it like i didnt care for you..didnt think bout you and didnt work on us...and all...
gues wat...I DID!...hearing those things felt like i wasted my effort i put into doing these dont recognise to go off...shout out my frustrations..and get over it!~...ciaoz...



aVieo0o said...

sabar sayang, men (or boys, rather) are stupid. they say the stupidest things, even my darling nephew, i'm sure.

ignore it for now and he'll come say sorry soon.

*hoh boy hohhhhh*

you better ok. if not ee ee will pull your ears off and ban you from premieres!

aVieo0o said...

Eh. Can you make ur comments open to other ids?

keep the word verification thing though.

becky said...

haha okiez..comments open d i think..and..yeah..very sabar la..sometimes...yes they say STUPID things..but so do