Thursday, December 17, 2009
November-December.... life has been quite busy i think=S...Let's flash back to November when I had my exams. It was stressssssfull... It was all about studying and I put my all into it..YET, sigh.....when results were out...i was disappointed..Its not that i did very badly but i just didnt do as i expected/aimed... Sigh...At times i feel like when i dont study i'll do better. SIGH...
And then there were also many birthdays in october- november-december.. Including mine!.. It was AWESOME=D I was in the midst of my exams but yet i celebrated it!... All thanks to gLeNn=)) hehe... I was surprised and though very stressed up, it was memorable and great..Presents were AWESOME=)....Thanks to all who gave me my presents..Though i haven finish using the money ill think of something to get soon=) but for now, thanks a bunch for the COOL NEW DRUMSTICKS..niceeeee=)...
Also celebrated jess and joss birthday which was FUNnn=) miss you guys la=) must go out soon again..before our bangkok trip..hehe...
Then in december there was the experiencing God musical which was fantastic..Nice of Ren Yau, Henry jess and jocy to come=) hopefully you all enjoyed it....
And the week after, i was EMO!!..Almost felt as if I was forced to 18up=( I was so frustrated and emo but yet i just went along with it....I wasnt in the moood for any camps this year and was extremely TIRED...On top of all that, i didnt know anyone who was going...what is camp without friends right?...
After the camp was over...I am glad i was forced into it...It was an amazing experience with God. I was lost and now am found. He drew me back to Him and all my burdens, He helped me carry them. Ill write more about camp later(in my "testimony" thingy grace wants us to write). But besides that, i met so many new friends and the bonding was great in camp as it was just a small group of us in camp. I already miss them all, especially my group mates and Melanie=)..By last day of camp, i just didnt wanna head homeXP...Thanks all facilitators who mad this such an awesome camp=)
Oh ya and i also joined the Help CF weekly Captain ball...Thanks James for the invite=) I had a fabulous time and i cant believe how friendly they were!...The moment i stepped on the court all of them came introducing themselves and i was like....WOW....hehe thanks for being so friendly..hhe...The game was great and dinner after was good also=) hehe...
The next thing in my schedule was MYF Committee Retreat!...WOOhOOO....I loveeed this retreat....We planned alot for the year ahead and well, the bonding was the highlight!...We had so much of bonding and fun..I wish this retreat was longer as well...Thanks all you ppl who mad this retreat awesome, since its so few of us i can name us all......Denise, YuenXin, Zhi-Wei, Mei-Yan, Jason, Dion, Joel and Grace.. Thank You soooo very much.. Glad we bond and got to know each other so much better. Oh and thanks grace and jason for providing us transport=) Thanks mummy for sponsoring some of our meals=) and thanks TMC PJ for sponsoring everything else=) Im excited for the year ahead=) oh not forgetting, Sarah, we miss you there, come join in our bonding and activities=)...remember to catch up on all our ideas in the minutes...Read ya=) hehe...
And now, christmas is coming and i barely even started Christmas shopping....OMG!!!!.......BEcky Neeeds to get her shopping and presents for everyone!!......Get to the malls Becky!....
On top of all these, I have to work every day as a receptionist in Loreal Malaysia=S....Dont really enjoy the job, but its great learning opportunity and i get some money to shop in Bangkok in February..Heehee....Rewards are great so i shall just continue to be patient as i work my last 7 days in this office..thats another 350 bucks....$$$..hehe
Okk thats all my life story for the pass two months...hahaha...TATAZ Until the next time i find time to blog...=)
Ill try to post my 18up experience story well as some pictures....hahaha my blog is starting to be too wordyXP..hehe...okok bye for now!...
Thursday, August 27, 2009
saman/ graduation
anyway besides that saman thing, im also officially graduated from MCKL=) Nothing very special about the ceremony but at least get to meet up with the ausmat ppl..Speeches were kinda too long that it pulled to whole ceremony, suppose to have supper at 1010pm but ended up 1030 also not done yet...supper was probably 11pm but i didnt stay to the end..too late la...hehe=) so basically thats my update for the day..=) ciaoz till the next time!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Life update=)
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
to all MYFers=) THANKS!
And though i didnt do much, there is always this guy, my boy who would take up my role and make sure everything is perfect. He is almost a perfectionist i tell you=). Thanks Glenn Darling=). I know i seem to forget thanking you for all the things you do, and not praise you when you do well, but i am really proud of you k=). You did fantastic and i dunno, words cant describe it but im so greatful to have you=).
To ALL MYFers. you guys did such a great job, each and everyone of you=) From the worship team, led by our very own worship coordinator, Mr TAN, Jason...who formed his team, chose songs, schedule practices, and is so committed. His team, pianist, bel and weng yee, Drummer, gabriel!(you did so well=)....cunted=)...), guitarist-eerick and jason, bassist- mike.s, and the voices, Denissssssssse, Sssarah and Hash!( you guys were great=) time to join choir...hahahaha)
The Greeting and Ushering team, Yuenxin, Ryan, Shaun Benjamin and Dion Lee! the 4 of you had to smile to everyone..haha gr8 standing at the door before service is the first sign for the congregation to see that the youths are involved! Good job there! Mei-yan, lauren, and kimmie, thanks for going out talking to the youths and encouraging them to comne for out the caqrds and guys did perfect=)
The PA team, Ian Lam, Khong Mei-Yan, and Noel J! you did well with the handling of the sound system, the mics, the many many many videos, practically everything thaqt has to do with sound and visual you handed so well=) thumbs up=)
the Sketch team, great job, thanks to your sketch, a clear msg was sent out to all!, great actors all of you were! main actor: zhiwei, crew: michelle t, letisha b, edwin, isabel ( change from formal clothes to myf shirt just for the sketch and then change back, nicholas w, chen yi, glenn, narrator: joel! the alabastar jar video: glenn and not forgetting, d best director i know, GLENN=). With such short practices, you guys did so well! thanks for your effort and everything, i know its not easy to memorise your lines=)
Hash for giving your sharing, i know how scared you were, but you did great! You manage to give a great testimony, i know your busy with so many things but you managed it=) Thanks so much!
Weng yee for doing the myf video=) it was great=) sorry u had to do it alone but great job=)
Mei-Xin, for your board and booth preperation, getting all the pictures, cutting the papers one by one, putting everything up, thumbs up=)
Regina for the designs you made...the nbame card and the shirt, thanks for your time and so creative minds=) sorry for the never ending bugging youXP but thanks alot=)
mummy, thanks for helping with the tshirt and name card printers...couldnt have done it without you, thanks for helping me with my testimony thing, and with the feedbacks you gave, thanks for planning all the food for us to eat=)..and to all who prepared food, Thanks so was yummmmmy=)
Uncle Choong meng, for your help in mending the booth as well as your feedbacks, much appreciate it=)
Gracie...........thanks so much for your hard work...i know you do alot of behind the scene stuff and nobody knows it! here goes.....for first setting a date to talk to pastor, for working with church office for the bulettin, for your ever ready transport, for your time coming for meetings planning things out....for your communication to inform all the counsellors, even though your so busy! thanks thanks thanks=)
for grace sentul, trac president and also choy quin, thanks for your support and thanks for coming for our myf sunday=)
Thanks Pastor Ricky, for your support in everything, believe it or not, he agreed and support all the way in every suggestion we had! so cool=)))
Thanks all myfers, i know all of you played a part this sunday. It was great to see all, every single one of you involved=) Dont matter your role, big or smal, whether people notice or not, you were all important in God's eye, all of you had a part, and if anyone didnt do well in their role, MYF Sunday wouldnt have turned out so well... so once again, thank you all=)
Once again thanks glenn for organising this whole MYF sunday..thanks thanks thanks=) love you!
I thank God above all else for making the whole myf sunday run so smoothly, for making it all fall in place, and for using the Youths of our church to touch our congregation=) All glory to You=)Oh one more thing, congrats to my committee, you are all now officially installed as committee=) continue to fire up for God!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
why so emo=(
Monday, May 25, 2009
you and me=)
13 May 2009-1 year- =)
1st Anniversary of Glenn and me=) Yay we reached the 1 year!! Love you=)
A video from him for our 1st year=) hehe sweet=)!
Thank you, boy=)
Happy belated Birthday!!
haha i scared later u say ur birthday u got no post la so i just post la nowXP..hehe....yeah hope u enjoy ur day u old man...21 ady fast...
ok so what happen on 22nd May 2009..
morning nothing much la...he got class anyway...den had to be at home awhile until we met up..had to be at home awhile cuz my mum had to bring the maid for a check up and theres this lil kid in my house, my lil couzzie... so play badminton with glenn and my lil until forget i was suppose to pick ruth! hahaha....time flies when ur having fun...den den.. another not so lil couzzie mr eugen came on his bicycle..and join us in d fun..glenn and gene was playing one on was quite fun UNTIL......this dumb bf hit my head with the shuttlecock!! OUCH!! it was like suppose to be a hard smash or like OUCHHHHHHH and den tear dropXP embarrasingXP anyway...yes it was very pain okay...and the excuse he and eu gene gave was that im wearing the same colour as my gate! HMPH!! haha but anyways he got worried and faster hug meXP yay!=)...ok den my mum come back and i suddenly realise...oopssy ruth!! ahh!!...haha but my mum went and pick we went and bath and all before leaving to 1u...hahahaha..
here is where the whole plan starts...this meixin and gang all late...kesian d jason kena sit at the restaurant from 7- 830...cannot order summo..haih...sorry jason=) i had to kill time lo so walk around in 1u with glenn lo since he dunno there was gonna be a party for him..haha he thinks that some of his gang will have supper with him at williams at 10pm..and den...cannot wait for the late ppl d so just go to the restaurant lo..daves pizza something...aiyo i tell u...the scene just to get glenn in the restaurant..haih horrible...hahahaahha..ask jason if u dun believe...hilarious la...first i sy i hungry so wanna go to the bread shop there get something light..den i say no la actually i feel like eating mushroom soupXP dave's specialty...but he so not rational la....dont let me get my mushroom soup...say its 12 bucks...go there just for mushroom soup..aiya all the excuses just to not get in that shop....wat la...ish!!....den aiya he angry lo...den dun let me go in...den i have to some how get myself emo(i quite pro at it)...hahaha emo den i noe he will just give in maXP...hahaha so ok la emo la....den manage to pull him in...and with his long and sour face....dada...some of them were in there...haha thats how the surprise went!..yay! he was shocked!..although i practically had to lie to him for almost everything that dayXP...sorryXP..ehehehe.
den we went to watch x-men...which i didnt like...haih i wasnt even watching i think.,..everytime got killing one...wat a show..summo the girl die in d end!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH so sad!! after show we went to murnis...only few of us la...quite fun but i was super tired d...oh and glenn stayed over at simons cuz he worry for me if i go home alone at night..hehe sweet=)..yup thats about the whole day!....
ill put up some pics later on la when i actually get some pictures=)...
Happy birthday again boy=) love you=)
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
my mid term break=)
speaking bout birthdays,.....
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEI-YAN!!...(9/4)...ur not that young anymore...u can officially go learn driving now...and i think thats all u can do at 17..hahahaha...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY NATASHA=)...(11/4)..ur party was fun=)...nice meeting usj13 ppl as well=)...and gossiping bout 13..hahahaha...sorry for going back early..hehe..still young got la...also because got sunrise service the next to wake up at like....6am! early...hahah...oh yes...did i mention...I LIKE CHampaigne..muahahahaha...
and HAPPY BIRTHDAY HANS... din get to wish u since u went to spend ur time in singapore..hehe...will wish u wen i see u la..=)..ur even older now..
ok back to my pass week...wednesday..err...i think i was good enough and i did my assignment..yay me=) proud of myself...its only due tomorrow and i did it last week??
den thursday..i cant remember what i did...short term memory really lost now...i think i did...erm day...just stone and watch shows..
friday..yay my outing day=)...with glenn..again...oh i actually met u alot last week..haha...covers up the days u went to penang.......hehe...anyways..yup friday...we went to pc farrr...and it was fun....he bought his speakers...i bought printer boring..but seeing laptop was fun..if only i was rich enough to get one..hahaha...den we went and lepak at pyramid...bought hanss present...and rush off to pick ruth from tuition...den went to church for good friday service....and glenn bought me super...ramli's burger...yum yum!...i mean jason bought it la but glenn pay i think,....hahahah...
and sat was nth much piano bb...only committee meeting...den worship practice...and den the fun part....nats party..woohoo..=))...
sunday, EARLY morning go church for sun rise...den eat free pau in church..yummy...and then first service help out in junior church...i learnt how to make cross with palm leaves...isnt that cool..muahahaha...and den second service...den was not bad=)...den worship prac for myf sunday...which i was sooo tired...but the band sounds good=)...getting there..wohooo....thumbs up for jason and band=)...den had family easter early dinner..with all the couzzies and aunty uncles...hehe..not all la but the closer ones la...den went for was okay=)..different a little with the way they start and all...but sadly no its like quite sleepy at it was a looong day so i was exhausted...den it was raining and glenn took the sad....he went home in the rain.....and some funny guy suddenly went across him wen he driving...den he had to break and fell off=( he got scratches all over..awww=( sad...
yup thats my week...the saddest part of the week..was the sunday night...besides glenn falling...which was sad...i also had to go back to uni the next day...the lazy feeling kicks in...hahahhaa...and wen i went to skul...almost half the class was not even it takes so long to just sad..i had to park sooo far away.....waste time only la...ish ish...o well...thats my at times sad at times....
thats all for my updates....till the next time...which is probably one month or more time...hahahaha...ciaoz..........
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
uni update=)
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
3/3/09 is renyau's birthday=).. so HAPPY 19 Birthday Mr Aung=)..
haha...sorry u had to call me...who ask u never pick up your phone when i call..hahahaha...nvm la u got free calls anyway=)
and your fren(the one that u like to gay with) on the phone was so annoying...jerk betul...ish...ish...ish!...haha okay anyway..i forgive you for making me talk to him since its ur freaking birthday...haha...yeah anyway...SERVES YOU RIGHT TOMORROW YOU GOT EXAMS! on your birthday=P ahahahahhahahahahahaah......yeah like i said...go out and get a cake pathetic no present all..haha...i owe you one also=) next time lazy to think what to get you already..haha..okay anyways...yes its your birthday so happy birthday..your old=)