Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Ok, sorry for the very off and on posting..haha..got nothing happening in life so seldom blog=)..ok so this blog is about valentines=)...yes i know...abit too late..but its k=)

Yup my valentine was a day earlier -13th Feb=)

Glenn brought me to GENTING=)..the theme park=)..The best part is...i actually sat on every ride...hahahha..thats some big achievement=D

we took the bus..den cable car...this was on the cable car...yayyy...love the wind=)

Up at genting,...the map around..

Hehe=) lets pose first=))

Our first outdoor ride=)..the elephant thing..goes up and down up and down..haha.. mostly kids gameXP

then, we went to the ribena cup thingy...where it spins and spins...and i got a headache..haha but it was fun trying to not get a headache=)..

HAHA...next stop, something i usually wont go on..supposedly its the oldest roller coaster here..haha..but it goes up and down and spins a little..geli-lah..

(can see my scared face) hahahaha..

the que was sooo long...while queing...we saw this...(and i went,''oh no, pls dont tell me im going on that?!?!)

yes be proud of me=) I WENT ON IT!...heart felt like it was coming out of me..ahahahahaha..i even sat on the roller coaster which goes upside down=)...yay=)

den we went to some other roller coaster..

chocolate house here we come=)...yeah the place is filled with chocs everywhere=)

YAY now its food time...yummmy...so we went to 'i forgot wats the name of the place d' hahaha..ok anyway..we went there and its only found in genting..and its really nice the food there..yumm...satisfying=)

There is also go carting, which made me sad=(....I CANT GET IN...TOO short=(...dont laugh at me and mock me=(...

how sad=(...anyways...we also went indoors and all...okay..den its time to head home...=(...time flies...so we head to the cable car...den the bus...and we pose lots more=)) Oh yes, before that, glenn bought me a soft toy=)..d one im hugging...its soo cute=)..but my mummy says its ugly, it looks like glenn, got tummy..haha which is kinda true..with the lion hair and all...hahahahahha...its true..sorry=)..haha..

YUP so thats about my so interesting valentines day=)..so fun=) thanks darling=)...love you=) muacks=)


1 comment:

gLeNn said...

gosh, the ugly pics also up ar? hehe..aikz

and btw its "marrybrown" dear =)